Channel: Pritam
Category: Music
Tags: pritam song world of jagga jasoosjagga jasoos video songskatrina kaif songsmusicalranbir kapoorkatrina kaifworld of jagga jasoos songjaggaworld of jagga jasoos musicalpritam songpritamworld of jagga jasoos pritamjagga jasoos songsjagga jasoos musicalworldkatrina kaif video songsworld of jagga - jagga jasoosranbir kapoor songsworld of jagga jasoospritam chakraborty songsworld of jagga songjagga jasoos musicjagga jasoos
Description: Movie - Jagga Jasoos Starring - Ranbir Kapoor,, Katrina Kaif Music - Pritam Lyrics - Samrat Chakraborty Singers - Neeti Mohan & Kids Programmers - Ramon Ibrahim and Nikhil Paul George Sound Design, Mixed and Mastered by Sunny M.R. Click Here To Subscribe -